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2022 update on Brian Wee Beng Swee

Brian Wee Beng Swee was not done in by COVID-19 and so he still manages to find himself victims even during these difficult times. Since the start of the pandemic, we have come across two victims who were fortunate enough to have gotten out before things worsened and it is all thanks to the victims themselves, or those close to them, having come across the detailed lowyat thread on Brian Wee Beng Swee and his exploits. With the most recent incident, we were alerted that there were attempts to report the thread for removal by the admins. We are certain that only Brian Wee Beng Swee and his family members - namely his elder brother Aubrey Wee - would be the only ones who would do this. Since the thread has done a lot of good in creating awareness about this conman, we hope that the lowyat admins would allow the original poster to maintain the thread as the authorities are not willing to take any action despite numerous police reports lodged against Brian Wee Beng Swee. From the most recent information received, it seems that Brian Wee Beng Swee has been conning people since the age of 18, when he and his family were still based in Kuching. Most of the cons involved people the family went to church with and when they too many people got mad at them, they decided to relocate here. If his age is 43 this year then this means that he has been keeping this gig up for 25 years by now. His family, as we have suspected in the past, are said to be well aware of what he does and since they benefit from his racket they aren't going to do the right thing by turning him in. Since you have come across this blog post, we strongly advise that you share the lowyat thread with people you know who fit the demographic: 1. English educated 2. Single women in their 30s 3. Probably a church-goer/Christian They may not be aware that there are men like Brian Wee Beng Swee and we want to help them with our cautionary story as much as we can.


  1. Brian Wee Beng Swee has been apprehended and is currently held in custody at IPD Serdang. Law enforcement is seeking potential victims affected by his actions to step forward and file reports, given his extensive history.

    It's anticipated that he might secure his release on bail today, October 4th, 2023, pending formal charges. Those who are seeking justice are strongly encouraged to act swiftly and file their reports, as time is of the essence. While any police station will accept reports, IPD Serdang is recommended as they are handling the case.

    For additional information, you can refer to The Star's article:

    We appreciate your assistance in updating the blog post to reflect these developments.


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